Illegal Immigration

As time goes on, the illegal immigration issues in Texas seem to be getting worse. Despite Trumps efforts to stop illegal immigration in The United States, it is an issue that will most likely never be fully solved. Not only does illegal immigration affect our country but it is also very dangerous for the immigrants coming over. Since Trump's administration has made it more difficult for immigrants to come over, many of them will go to extreme lengths in hopes of obtaining a better life. As of May 2, 2019, border agents are searching for a nine-month-old and two seven-year old’s that are missing after their raft flipped on the Rio Grande river. This is not something unusual for border patrol agents. Illegal immigrants are constantly taking to the Rio Grande in hopes of peacefully reaching the states. Not only is this very unfortunate for the immigrants that don’t make it out alive, but it also puts more work on out border control agents. During spring, the Rio Grande gets a lot of “spring run-off” water, which makes the river move faster and makes it more dangerous. Not only are these immigrants coming into the country illegally, but they are also putting our boarder control agents lives at risk by making them go on search missions. Although it would be great if there was a solution to this problem, its something that will most likely never change. Even if Trump's wall is built, people will still do whatever it takes, even if that means putting their families at risk, to get into America.


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