
Showing posts from April, 2019

Austin Cap Metrorail System Response Although I have never used the Metrorail System in Austin, I have participated in sitting in traffic. Every day it seems to be getting worse. Just this past Thursday it took me nearly 30 minutes to get from my apartment in West Campus just to be able to see the highway. That's not even mentioning the traffic once I was on the highway. The Metrorail system might just solve all these problems for Austinites. If the city were to regulate them more and make more of them, Austin could start to have a transportation system similar to New York. With so many people moving in and so much construction going on, these rail systems would help the community as a whole and also give people life experiences they might not get anywhere else.

Marijuana decriminalization

It is a new age! Unless you live under a rock, you’ve most likely have heard that marijuana is on the slow and steady path to legalization. In March of 2019, it was announced that Texas legislation would vote on whether or not “Mary Jane” will be decriminalized. The bill suggests that the possession of up to an ounce of marijuana should be considered a civil offence and requires a fine of up to $250. This would save the state about $2.6 million a year in criminal cases according to the nonpartisan Legislative Budget Board. This bill, House Bill 63, has been proposed by Joe Moody, a democrat from El Paso, three times now. The previous two times the bill was proposed it passed out of the committee but did not make it to a vote in the House. For many people this change could not come soon enough. There was roughly 64,000 people arrested on marijuana charges in the state of Texas in 2017. These kinds of offenses can result in loss of student financial aid and making it