They don't bring their roads with them

In Jim Reed’s opinion piece, They don’t bring their roads with them, he discusses how Texas’s population is growing at a rapid pace. Since our state has more than 1,000 people moving here daily, many people have started to notice the insane amount of traffic that seems to increase by the minute. Because so many people are coming to live here, figuring out how to manipulate the road ways to our advantage is becoming increasingly difficult. Not only is it hard to build new roads with so many people on the road, but the amount of money needed for everything is a whole other issue. The roadways in Texas are very old and need to be rebuilt to accommodate for the future. In this article, Reed is targeting Texans as his audience. Reed wants to inform the reader on the future of their state and what to expect in the new upcoming years with all the new residents. He claims that with the amount of people coming in, dealing with building new highways is going to be extremely difficult. Before it gets too late, our communities need to work together in solving this problem. Funding towards transportation need to largely increase and steps toward avoiding a bigger problem in the future need to be taken. As a citizen of Texas, I have to agree with Reed on this one. Every day I notice traffic getting worse and worse. As a San Antonio native I can especially notice the difference when I go back to visit. In order to solve this problem, our legislator needs to make a change quickly!


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