Border wall would destroy Texas wildlife

In Norma Fowler's editorial, Border wall would destroy Texas wildlife, she discusses how Trump's wall will affect wildlife around the Rio Grande river. In her editorial, she speaks to an audience that feels a need to protect the Earth and all of its wildlife and scenery. Fowler claims that the building of the wall will make it difficult for ocelots, a small wild cat, to mate with the Mexican ocelots, which will eventually lead to the distinction of Texas ocelots. She states that not only will ocelots be affected but so will wild bird habitats, small plants, insects and many more animals. She claims that the building of the wall will disturb these animals’ daily routines since the wall could be in the way of places they usually go to. Since barriers have to be 5 miles away from the river, Fowlers says that the wall will also go through many preserves that are loved by bird watchers. Since these lands will be divided, tourists looking for birds will have to use passports to cross over. She fears that building a wall near such an abundance of wildlife will not only destroy the peace, but also the entire species of which it is affecting. Not only will the loss of these species affect us, but it will also affect future generations. Fowlers makes a very compelling argument. I for one do not support the wall. I personally think it’s a waste of money and won’t really change much. If people want to get to America, building a wall won't stop them.


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